Our goal is to protect the Borough and School District's assets, including employees, against the financial consequences of accidental losses and/or claims. The Risk Management Office manages the insurance program for the Borough and School District, Workers Compensation claims, and consults with other Borough departments and the School District on their loss prevention and safety programs.
We believe the most effective risk management tools are information and education. This web site was developed with this in mind. We hope that it will be an effective tool for both Borough and School District employees, and for the public at large.
Our office also handles all OSHA issues, safety concerns including potential safety hazards, ergonomic evaluations, job safety analysis, facility safety and environmental assessments, regulatory compliance, water quality issues, Hazardous Waste management, chemical inventories and management, spill prevention and control plans, and investigations of any accident or incident involving Borough employees, equipment or property.
Safety is everyone's concern!