Absentee Voting Information
Absentee ballots can be mailed, faxed, or delivered in-person to an absentee voting location. To apply for an absentee ballot, you must be a registered Kenai Peninsula voter.
- Register to vote: https://voterregistration.alaska.gov/
- Already registered to vote? Verify or update your registration: https://voterregistration.alaska.gov/
- Apply Online at https://my.kpb.us/vote
Absentee In-Person Voting Locations
ABSENTEE IN PERSON FOR THE REGULAR ELECTION: Monday, September 16, 2024 through Tuesday, October 1, 2024
Borough Clerk's Office:
144 N. Binkley Street
Soldotna, AK 99669
Hours: 9:00am – 4:00pm, Monday - Friday; 7:00am - 8:00pm on Election Day
This site has ballot styles for ALL KPB precincts.
Homer Clerk's Office:
491 E. Pioneer Avenue
Homer, AK 99603
Hours: 8:00am – 4:00pm, Monday - Friday; 7:00am - 8:00pm on Election Day
This site has ballot styles for Anchor Point, Diamond Ridge, Fox River, Homer No. 1, Homer No. 2, Kachemak City/Fritz Creek, Ninilchik, Seldovia/Kachemak Bay and Tyonek precincts.
Kenai City Clerk’s Office:
210 Fidalgo Avenue
Kenai, AK 99611
Hours: 8:00am – 5:00pm, Monday - Friday; 7:00am - 8:00pm on Election Day
This site has ballot styles for Central, KBeach, Kenai No. 1, Kenai No. 2, Kenai No. 3 Nikiski, Salamatof and Tyonek precincts.
Seldovia City Clerk’s Office:
235 Dock Street
Seldovia, AK 99663
Hours: 9:00am – 4:00pm, Monday - Friday at City Hall; 7:00am – 8:00pm on Election Day at the Seldovia Library, 260 Seldovia Street, Seldovia, AK 99663
This site has ballot styles for Seldovia/Kachemak Bay Precinct.
Seward City Clerk’s Office:
410 Adams Street
Seward, AK 99664
Hours: 8:30am – 4:30pm, Monday - Friday; 7:00am - 8:00pm on Election Day
This site has ballot styles for Bear Creek, Cooper Landing, Hope, Moose Pass and Seward/Lowell Point precincts.
Borough Absentee Voting FAQs
How do I register to vote?
Visit https://voterregistration.alaska.gov/ to register to vote online or to obtain a paper form. Voter registration paper forms are also available at the Borough Clerk’s Office and all City Clerk’s Offices.
When is the next election?
The Kenai Peninsula Borough (KPB) and municipalities within the KPB conduct elections annually on the first Tuesday in October. The State of Alaska conducts the Primary Election on the third Tuesday in August and the General Election on the first Tuesday in November in even numbered years.
What is an absentee ballot?
An absentee ballot is a ballot that is obtained through an application process for voters who will be absent from their designated polling location on Election Day.
What is the difference between by mail voting and absentee ballot voting?
By mail voting is an automatic voting method in which ballots are automatically mailed to every registered voter. Absentee ballot voting requires the voter to apply to have a ballot either mailed or electronically transmitted to them. The KPB has six precincts that are designated as absentee by-mail precincts, all registered voters in those precincts will automatically be mailed their ballot.
Who is eligible to submit an absentee ballot application?
All Kenai Peninsula Borough registered voters are eligible to submit an absentee ballot application.
How do I request an absentee ballot?
Qualified voters may apply for an absentee ballot at https://my.kpb.us/vote or you may obtain a paper form at the Borough Clerk’s Office, 144 N. Brinkley Street, Soldotna.
Applications must be postmarked no earlier than the first of the year in which the election is to be held and received in the Clerk’s Office no less than seven days before an election. KPB 4.80.070(A)
After I submit my request for an absentee ballot, when will I receive it?
Absentee ballots will be mailed no later than 2-weeks prior to each election or up to 1-week prior to the election depending on when the application is received and processed.
What if I do not receive a ballot after I request it?
Contact the Borough Clerk’s Office at (907) 714-VOTE (8683) or toll free at 833-796-VOTE (8683)
How do I submit my absentee ballot?
Mail, fax, in-person drop off at designated voting location.
Who is eligible to submit an absentee ballot?
All Kenai Peninsula Borough registered voters
What is the process for voting with an absentee ballot?
1. Vote (Mark) your Ballot
2. Place Ballot inside the return ballot envelope
3. Sign the return envelope and provide ONE identifier
4. Have your signature witnessed
5. Secure and mail your ballot
Questions? Contact the Borough Clerk's Office
What phone number do I call if I want to speak directly with someone regarding absentee ballot voting?
Contact the Borough Clerk’s Office at (907) 714-VOTE (8683) or toll free at 833-796-VOTE (8683)
Will my vote be counted if I submit my ballot after the deadline?
No, all mailed ballots must be postmarked on or before election day and received prior to certification. Ballots that are dropped in person must be received on or before election day.
Can an absentee ballot be mailed in?
Yes, a postage paid envelope is provided in ballot package.
If my household receives absentee ballots, can we put them all in the same envelope to return?
No, each voted ballot must travel separately in the envelope provided for that specific voter.
How does my absentee ballot vote get verified prior to being counted?
The KPB election canvas board will review the ballot package for the following:
- You requested an absentee ballot and the application is on file
- You provided an identifier which matches that provided to the State of Alaska, Division of Election when you registered to vote.
- You signed the envelope
- Your signature was witnessed
- Your voted ballot package was received prior to the deadline
- You did not vote in any other way for this election
How do I know whether my vote was accepted or declined?
If you applied online you can log into your MyKPB account to view the status. If you applied with paper you can call (907) 714-VOTE (8683) or toll free at 833-796-VOTE (8683) for status updates. If for any reason the canvass board is unable to verify your ballot package and unable to count your ballot you will be notified in writing.
When are absentee ballot votes counted?
Absentee ballots are counted no later than certification on the following Tuesday.
How are absentee ballots kept confidential?
The canvass board works in teams of two. Once your voted ballot package has been verified and confirmed for counting, the team will open the voted ballot package and remove the ballot, which is secured in the provided secrecy sleeve. One member of the team will verify that the voter received the correct ballot style, the other member of the team will confirm ballot style voter was intitled to. The name of the voter and the ballot are never seen simultaneously by any one member of the team.
Can I change my mind and change my vote after I return my absentee ballot?
No, once the ballot has been received by an election official it can not be changed.
Can I still vote at my regular polling place even if I receive an absentee ballot?
Yes. You can either vote the ballot you received and drop it off at your polling place OR you can destroy the ballot you received in the mail and vote at your polling place. Do not vote twice - it is a felony!
If I receive an absentee ballot by mail, do I have to vote it?
If I vote absentee in the Borough election, will I automatically receive an absentee ballot for the November General Election?
No, you will need to apply for an absentee ballot through the state of Alaska Department of Elections,
If there is a runoff, will I automatically receive an absentee ballot for the runoff?
If you marked the box indicating that you wished to receive a Mayoral Run-Off ballot or All Municipal Elections, you will automatically be mailed a ballot package for that election.
Will in-person absentee voting be available as it has in the past?
Yes, you can vote in-person at an absentee voting location starting two weeks prior to election day. View in-person absentee voting locations.
Will in-person “regular” voting at my polling place be offered?
Yes, you can vote in-person on election day. Find your polling location.