Personal & Business Property Assessments
Personal Property
Personal property includes commercial and personal use watercraft and aircraft, and items not for resale used to operate a business, such as desks, tools, fishing gear, and restaurant equipment. See the Depreciation Schedule for more information.
All owners of personal property are required to file a personal property statement with the Assessor's office by FEBRUARY 15 of each year. Any statement filed after this date will be subject to penalty and interest. Personal Property forms are available at the Borough Assessor's Offices in Soldotna, Seward, and Homer.
Property taxes through Alaska Department of Motor Vehicles (cars, trucks, motorhomes, snowmobiles and ATV's) should not be listed on a personal property statement. This DOES NOT include Boats. All boats located in the borough must be listed on a personal property statement.
Filing Requirements
Personal property forms are mailed to all previous filers during December of each year and must be returned before February 15 or a late penalty will be assessed. Assessment Notices for Personal Property are mailed April 1.
Every person or business owning or having an interest in personal property located in the borough, must file a statement each year. If no return is filed or the return is filed late, a 10% penalty will be added to the tax levied.
Forms are mailed to current account holders annually. Blank forms are also available at borough offices and on the web.
What Should Be Reported
Personal Property
Personal use watercraft and aircraft. Do not include automobiles or household furniture and effects not used for business.
Business Personal Property
Commercial use watercraft and aircraft, items used to operate a business such as computers, tools, furniture, fixtures, and heavy equipment. Do not include retail inventory (items for sale).
For more information on items that should be included on a business property statement, please contact the Assessing Department.
Determining Tax Jurisdiction
The primary physical location where the personal property is located or normally kept determines which jurisdiction has authority to tax the property (situs). Personal property that has been, or is usually, normally or regularly kept or used within the Kenai Peninsula Borough for 90 days or more in the 12 months preceding January 1, are taxable for that year.
If you are unsure whether your personal property is subject to borough tax, contact the Assessing Department.
The following guidelines are used for determining situs.
- Where is the property located now?
- Where is the property normally or regularly kept?
- Where was the property located on January 1?
- Was the property located within the borough for more than 90 days in the preceding year?
How Personal Property Is Assessed
Business Property
Business Personal Property, other than watercraft and aircraft, are assessed using a depreciated cost method. Contact the Assessing Department for a copy of the current depreciation schedule.
Watercraft for which any of the following have been issued are subject to a borough flat tax based on overall length, regardless of value/condition.
- USCG certificate of number (CDOC#)
- Alaska DMV boat registration (AK#)
- ADF&G number
- U.S. or foreign documentation or registration
*Watercraft that is located inside city limits (Homer, Kenai, Seldovia, Seward, or Soldotna) will also be assessed on value or taxed on a flat fee schedule, depending on the City Code.
Aircraft that have been issued an N number by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) are subject to a borough flat tax based on weight, regardless of value/condition. Aircraft weight is determined using the MGWIL (Manufacturers Gross Weight with an Internal Load).
Commercial aircraft operated by a scheduled airline are assessed an apportioned value in accordance with the borough’s landing schedule formula.
* Aircraft that is located inside a city limits (Homer, Kenai, Seldovia, Seward, or Soldotna) will also be assessed on value or taxed on a flat fee schedule, depending on the City code.
Exempt Property
$100,000 Exemption
The first $100,000 in assessed value of business personal property is exempt from the borough tax, Soldotna City tax, and Homer City tax. Generally, businesses with an aggregate cost of personal property less than $100,000 are not required to file an annual statement, unless the property is located within the city limit boundaries of Kenai, Seldovia, or Seward. This exemption does NOT apply to flat taxed aircraft and/or watercraft.
Vessel Repair/Service/Storage Exemption
To obtain this exemption, the property owner must apply prior to February 15. This exemption enables boat owners having a home port outside the borough boundaries to bring their vessels into the borough between September 1 and June 30 for storage/servicing and repairs in a boatyard licensed to collect sales tax. This exemption exempts the boat owner from the yearly borough flat tax. Vessels remaining in the Borough past July 1 will not qualify for exemption and will be taxed for the full year.
Download the Vessel Repair Exemption Application
Removing Assets from Your Account
Removed From Borough
Provide a signed statement indicating when the property was removed from the Kenai Peninsula Borough.
Changes of Ownership
Provide a copy of the Bill of Sale or a written statement including the new owner name & address, date of sale, and sale price.
Destroyed Vessels
Provide proof that the numbers from the issuing authority (Alaska DMV or National Vessel Documentation Center) were surrendered prior to January 1 of the tax year.
Destroyed Aircraft
Provide proof that the numbers from the issuing authority (FAA) were surrendered prior to January 1 of the tax year, and submit an “Aircraft Statement of Condition” form and supporting documentation.
Download Flat Tax Schedules for Watercraft (Boat) and Aircraft