Kenai Peninsula Borough Elections: Code of Ordinances Chapter 4.10
Mission: To establish and increase public confidence in the electoral process by conducting voter registration and elections with the highest level of professional election standards, integrity, security, accuracy, and fairness.
Borough Elections: Any election to fill Borough offices, vote upon propositions submitted to the voters pursuant to Borough code, or that the Borough is required by law to administer.
Regular Elections: On the first Tuesday of October, a regular election shall be held in the Borough for the election of vacant Borough offices and for the determination of other matters as may be placed on the ballot.
Special Elections: The Assembly by motion, resolution, or adoption of an ordinance may call a special election at any time at least 75 days prior to the date of the election. Unless the Assembly has set a date for a required special election, the Borough Clerk shall call a special election when required by law or ordinance to place an initiative, referendum, recall, or other question before the voters.
Run-off Election: A runoff election is required by law when no candidate for Mayor receives a majority of votes cast. The runoff election shall be held on the third Tuesday following the regular election or within two weeks after certification of the results of the regular election. The runoff election is not considered a special election within the meaning of AS 29.71.800 (21).
Pro V& V Implementation Report per KPB Resolution 2021-032: The purpose of the report is to document the procedures that Pro V&V, Inc. followed to perform a site audit and implementation recommendations of the Dominion Voting Systems Democracy Suite (D-Suite) 5.5-B Voting System for the Kenai Peninsula Borough, AK.
2024 Election Dates
October 1, 2024 Regular Election:
07/15/24 Candidate Forms Available
08/01/24 at 8:00am THROUGH 08/15/24 at 4:30 pm - Candidate Filing Period
09/01/24 Deadline to Register to Vote for the 2024 Regular Election
09/16/24 Absentee In Person Voting Begins
09/24/24 Application Deadline to Apply for Absentee Ballot Mail
09/30/24 Application Deadline to Apply for Absentee Ballot by Fax
10/08/24 Certification of Election Results
To find information about current election, visit the Current Election Information page.