Planning Commission

Planning Commission – This 9-member body meets twice a month (with some exceptions) every other Monday evening.

Planning Commission

Planning Commission – This 9-member body meets twice a month (with some exceptions) every other Monday evening. You will review and decide on plats, road right-of-way locations and abandonment (vacations), requests for a variety of exceptions to the planning code across the entire Kenai Peninsula Borough. Conditions for new gravel pits and development along salmon bearing streams among other matters. This is a unique opportunity where commissioners make legislative decisions in the form of recommendations to the Assembly as well as sitting as quasi-judicial (judge-like) body to decide on items in law regarding individual permits and exceptions to the code.

Membership, duties, and responsibilities of the Kenai Peninsula Borough Planning Commission are set by Borough Code 2.40 (amended by Ordinance 2007-34). 

Planning Commission meetings are held in the Betty J. Glick Assembly Chambers of the Kenai Peninsula Borough George A. Navarre Administration Building, 144 N. Binkley Street, Soldotna. Participation is also available through video and teleconferencing via Zoom. To join the Zoom  meeting visit  If you connect by computer and do not have speakers or a microphone, connect online and then select phone for audio. A box will come up with toll free numbers, the Meeting ID, and your participant number. To attend the Zoom meeting by telephone call toll free 1-888-788-0099 or 1-877-853-5247. When calling in you will need the Meeting ID 907 714 2200. 

Written comment may be submitted in writing to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Meeting Packets, Action Agendas and possible Agendas are not available from the 1966 - 1999 Planning Commission meetings. For information regarding those years, please contact the Planning Department.

Current Planning Commission Meeting Agenda, Packet Information & Minutes will now be found at:

Planning Commission Calendar



Kenai City Seat
Diane Fikes
307 Linwood Lane
Kenai, AK 99611
Phone: (907) 440-8730
Term Expires: July 31, 2025


Soldotna City Seat
Paul J. Whitney
259 Redwood Court
Soldotna, AK 99669
Term Expires: July 31, 2027


Homer City Seat
Franco Venuti
818 Smoky Bay Way, #134
Homer, AK 99603
Phone: (907) 399-1550
Term Expires: July 31, 2025


Seward City Seat
New Seat Term Expires: 07/31/2026



Kalifornsky/Kasilof District
(Communities of Kalifornsky and Kasilof)
Pamela Gillham
45710 King Drive
Soldotna, AK 99669
New District Term Expires: 07/31/2026


Nikiski District
(North of Kenai City, including Niksiki Community and West side of the Cook Inlet)
Jeffery Epperheimer
P.O. Box 2208
Kenai, AK 99611
New District Term Expires: 07/31/2026


Ridgeway/Funny River/Sterling District
Jeremy Brantley
PO Box 1444
Soldotna, AK 99669
Phone: (907) 398-1314
Term Expires: July 31, 2027


Cooper Landing/Hope/Eastern Peninsula District
Virginia Morgan
PO Box 657
Cooper Landing, AK 99572
(907) 598-3094
Term Expires July 31, 2025


South Peninsula District
(Communities south of Kasilof River, areas east of Homer City and across Kachemak Bay)
Dawson Slaughter
P.O. Box 1065
Anchor Point, AK 99556
Term Expires July 31, 2025