Property Near Waterbodies
- River Center Multi-Agency Permit required for projects within river and/or within 50 feet of Ordinary High Water (OHW) of streams covered by the Kenai Peninsula Borough's Habitat Protection District.
- City of Soldotna permit required for projects within 100 feet of river if in city limits, tax parcel numbers beginning in 059 or 060.
- Moose Range Meadows subdivision parcels require Kenai National Wildlife Refuge permit.
- Except for projects inside the City of Soldotna, projects in regulatory floodplains require Floodplain development permits.
- Activities below OHW of a navigable body of water require a River Center Multi-Agency Permit application.
- Activities below OHW of anadromous streams require a River Center Multi-Agency Permit.
- Activities in wetlands require a River Center Multi-Agency Permit.
To learn more, please visit:
Regulated Waterbody Information
Waterbody Permit Applications