Assessing Department

The Assessing Department discovers, lists and values all taxable property in the borough in a fair and uniform manner in accordance with state law and borough code.

Mill Rates

Mill Rates are set annually by the Borough Assembly, Municipalities and Service Areas Boards. A mill is simply a thousandth of a dollar (1/1000 of $1) and represents one dollar of tax for each 1,000 dollars of taxable assessed value.

Properties are assigned a Tax Authority Group (TAG). The TAG identifies those taxing authorities and their corresponding mill rates.


Example:       123 Example Street, located in TAG 58:

Borough 4.30
Central Emergency Services 3.21
Central Hospital 0.01
Road Maintenance 1.40
TAG 58 Mill Rate 8.92


Download 2024 Mill Rates here.

Download Historical Mill Rates by TAG here.