
The Kenai Peninsula Borough Road Service Area (RSA) maintains over 645 miles (95% is gravel and 5% is paved) of roads.


The Kenai Peninsula Borough Road Service Area (RSA) maintains over 645 miles (95% is gravel and 5% is paved) of roads. The RSA is divided into five regions: Central, West, North, East and South. Each region is divided into units. There are twenty eight (28) road maintenance units borough-wide. 

The borough contracts with local contractors to maintain roads. Road maintenance includes snow plowing, sanding, minor road repairs, grading and ditch clearing.

The RSA hires contractors to perform all road maintenance work. Contractors are dispatched by the RSA. All concerns regarding road maintenance should be directed to the RSA, not the operational contractor.

View the geographic boundaries of the Roads Service Area and learn more on the Service Area Information page.


Permits and Applications 

Permits for new driveway construction, road improvements, right-of-way work or new road construction may be obtained on the Permits and Forms page or at the Road Service Area office, 47140 E. Poppy Lane, Soldotna. There are no applicable fees to obtain a right-of-way permit.

Road Maintenance Application

Roads that meet Kenai Peninsula Borough Road Construction Standards Chapter 14.06 may be considered for maintenance. Applications may be obtained at the Road Service Area office or on-line. Road Maintenance Applications along with the Construction Cost Statement will only be accepted no later than September 1st for the Road Service Area Board to consider approval at their October meeting.

Road Maintenance Application

Road Improvement Assessment District (RIAD)

The Kenai Peninsula Borough, through the Assessing Department and Road Service Area, offers citizens the opportunity to improve/pave subdivision roads through the RIAD program.

Learn more about the RIAD program.


Road Standards

The Roads Service Area follows constructions standard are codified under KPB Chapter 14.06 - Road Construction Standards.


Useful Resources