Finance Department

The Finance Department manages the Borough's revenues, expenditures, investments, accounting, budgeting, and debt.


The Finance Department manages the Borough's revenues, expenditures, investments, accounting, budgeting, and debt. As such, the department provides the Borough's departments and residents with dependable and efficient quality services in billing and collection of Borough wide taxes, cash management and other fiscal functions in accordance with legal and professional standards.


Mission Statement

The mission of the Finance Department is to provide fiduciary control of the Borough's assets, perform fiscally related services, and provide accurate, timely and useful financial information to support the delivery of municipal services to the Borough organization and the public. The Finance Division consists of Administration, Financial Services, Property Tax and Collections and Sales Tax.


Payment and Filing Options

The Kenai Peninsula Borough provides payment and filing options: please CLICK HERE

FY25 Assembly Adopted Budget

The Finance Department annually produces a budget that meets the Government Finance Officers criteria for a Distinguished Budget Presentation Award. The budget acts as a policy document, financial plan, operations guide, and communications device for the Borough.

FY24 Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR)

FY24 Popular Annual Financial Report (PAFR)

The Borough annually produces a Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) that meets the Government Finance Officers criteria for a Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting. The Borough has received this award for each of the past 34 years.  The Borough also produced a Popular Annual Financial Report (PAFR) for the first time in fiscal year 2014.


Various Reports

The Finance Department also prepares reports to the State of Alaska on grant expenditures, expenditures paid for out of State reimbursable bond proceeds, and Federal grant expenditures. Other reports are compiled on an as-needed basis.


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