Planning Commission

Planning Commission – This 9-member body meets twice a month (with some exceptions) every other Monday evening.

Advisory Planning Commissions


Purpose of an Advisory Planning Commission

  • Provide residents with an additional avenue to participate in land use planning activities proposed for their community; and
  • Provide recommendations to the Kenai Peninsula Borough Planning Commission and, to the Assembly when requested by majority vote of the assembly on land use planning and public land management issues which may affect the existing and/or future character of the community. 

Interested in Serving on an APC? Complete and submit the Advisory Planning Commissioner Application.


APC Boundary Information

View APC Boundaries here

Contacting the APCs by Email:
  • On each APC webpage in the Commissioner Information box, there is a link at the bottom to use for emailing the individual APC.
  • If you want to submit a comment on Conditional Land Use Permits (CLUP), Plats, etc. you can use the same link for the APC.

