Naming or Renaming your Street
To name or rename a street requires action by the Planning Department, the Kenai Peninsula Borough Planning Commission, and the person requesting the change. The following outlines how the process works and the areas of responsibility.
The Planning Department
The Planning Department will process all formal requests to name or rename public or private rights-of- way. The Department will accept applications to name or rename a right-of-way upon receipt of a petition signed by at least 75% of the owners of land fronting that roadway. The petition must include a map showing the location of the right-of-way, the required fees, if applicable, and the proposed new name. The new name must not create a duplicate with any name already in the Road Inventory, the Road Inventory list can be found here:
The new name must be checked and approved by the E911 Addressing Officer of the Kenai Peninsula Borough Planning Department.
The Kenai Peninsula Borough Planning Commission
A public hearing before the Planning Commission will be scheduled in accordance with KPB Code of Ordinances, Chapter 14.10, and a public notice announcing the hearing will be placed in a local newspaper. The Planning Commission will act by resolution after the public hearing and consultation with affected property owners, agencies, and other interested parties. Written notification of the Planning Commission's decision will be sent to the previously identified property owners, agencies, and interested parties. The Planning Commission has final authority to approve or deny the petition.