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explore subfolder image Budgets
explore subfolder image FY2002-03
An Adobe Acrobat file Combined_statements_budget03Download Preceding File Preview the file 46.53 KB 2013-06-06 13:28:00
An Adobe Acrobat file exp_o3_budgetDownload Preceding File Preview the file 28.95 KB 2013-06-06 13:28:00
An Adobe Acrobat file reve_o3_budgetpdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 25.52 KB 2013-06-06 13:28:01
explore subfolder image FY2003-04
An Adobe Acrobat file Combined_statements_budget04Download Preceding File Preview the file 14.1 KB 2013-06-06 13:27:20
An Adobe Acrobat file exp_o4_budgetDownload Preceding File Preview the file 31.56 KB 2013-06-06 13:27:20
An Adobe Acrobat file reve_o4_budgetpdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 39.82 KB 2013-06-06 13:27:20
explore subfolder image FY2004-05
An Adobe Acrobat file CPDownload Preceding File Preview the file 53.53 KB 2013-06-06 13:26:48
An Adobe Acrobat file DEBT_svcDownload Preceding File Preview the file 120.92 KB 2013-06-06 13:26:48
An Adobe Acrobat file GFDownload Preceding File Preview the file 139.66 KB 2013-06-06 13:26:49
An Adobe Acrobat file ISF_combinedDownload Preceding File Preview the file 69.25 KB 2013-06-06 13:26:49
An Adobe Acrobat file SRFDownload Preceding File Preview the file 701.71 KB 2013-06-06 13:26:50
An Adobe Acrobat file STATISTICSDownload Preceding File Preview the file 173.33 KB 2013-06-06 13:26:51
An Adobe Acrobat file introDownload Preceding File Preview the file 651.18 KB 2013-06-06 13:26:49
An Adobe Acrobat file overviewDownload Preceding File Preview the file 175.92 KB 2013-06-06 13:26:50
explore subfolder image FY2005-06
An Adobe Acrobat file Capital_ProjDownload Preceding File Preview the file 61.9 KB 2013-06-06 13:25:16
An Adobe Acrobat file Debt_serviceDownload Preceding File Preview the file 149.38 KB 2013-06-06 13:25:16
An Adobe Acrobat file GEN_FUND_06_ADJUSTEDDownload Preceding File Preview the file 418.07 KB 2013-06-06 13:25:42
An Adobe Acrobat file General_fundDownload Preceding File Preview the file 136.06 KB 2013-06-06 13:25:16
An Adobe Acrobat file Internal_serviceDownload Preceding File Preview the file 47.08 KB 2013-06-06 13:25:16
An Adobe Acrobat file Proposition_NoDownload Preceding File Preview the file 83.99 KB 2013-06-06 13:26:07
An Adobe Acrobat file Results_Proposition_No_5Download Preceding File Preview the file 82.99 KB 2013-06-06 13:26:07
An Adobe Acrobat file Special_revenue_fundsDownload Preceding File Preview the file 536.6 KB 2013-06-06 13:25:17
An Adobe Acrobat file Stat_tablesDownload Preceding File Preview the file 37.54 KB 2013-06-06 13:25:17
An Adobe Acrobat file intoductionDownload Preceding File Preview the file 313.45 KB 2013-06-06 13:25:17
An Adobe Acrobat file overviewDownload Preceding File Preview the file 154.42 KB 2013-06-06 13:25:17
explore subfolder image FY2006-07
An Adobe Acrobat file FY07_BudgetDownload Preceding File Preview the file 58.58 MB 2013-06-06 13:23:53
explore subfolder image FY2007-08
An Adobe Acrobat file FY08_BudgetDownload Preceding File Preview the file 9.28 MB 2013-06-06 13:23:04
explore subfolder image FY2008-09
An Adobe Acrobat file AppendixDownload Preceding File Preview the file 867.41 KB 2013-06-06 13:19:29
An Adobe Acrobat file Budget09FullDownload Preceding File Preview the file 11.03 MB 2013-06-06 13:19:30
An Adobe Acrobat file CapitalProjectFundsDownload Preceding File Preview the file 1.03 MB 2013-06-06 13:19:31
An Adobe Acrobat file DebtServiceFundsDownload Preceding File Preview the file 438.8 KB 2013-06-06 13:19:31
An Adobe Acrobat file EducationSpecialRevenueDownload Preceding File Preview the file 1.09 MB 2013-06-06 13:19:31
An Adobe Acrobat file EmergencyServicesSpecialRevenueDownload Preceding File Preview the file 2.49 MB 2013-06-06 13:19:32
An Adobe Acrobat file FY09BudgetPresentationDownload Preceding File Preview the file 353.36 KB 2013-06-06 13:19:33
An Adobe Acrobat file GeneralFundDownload Preceding File Preview the file 2.79 MB 2013-06-06 13:19:34
An Adobe Acrobat file GeneralGovernmentSpecialRevenueDownload Preceding File Preview the file 1.68 MB 2013-06-06 13:19:34
An Adobe Acrobat file HospitalSpecialRevenueDownload Preceding File Preview the file 1.17 MB 2013-06-06 13:19:35
An Adobe Acrobat file InternalServiceFundsDownload Preceding File Preview the file 685.95 KB 2013-06-06 13:19:35
An Adobe Acrobat file IntroductionDownload Preceding File Preview the file 962.94 KB 2013-06-06 13:19:35
An Adobe Acrobat file OverviewDownload Preceding File Preview the file 1.05 MB 2013-06-06 13:19:36
An Adobe Acrobat file RecreationSpecialRevenueDownload Preceding File Preview the file 908.61 KB 2013-06-06 13:19:37
An Adobe Acrobat file RoadImprovementSpecialRevenueDownload Preceding File Preview the file 1.09 MB 2013-06-06 13:19:37
An Adobe Acrobat file SolidWasteSpecialRevenueDownload Preceding File Preview the file 1.33 MB 2013-06-06 13:19:38
An Adobe Acrobat file SpecialRevenueFundsSummaryDownload Preceding File Preview the file 554.69 KB 2013-06-06 13:19:38
explore subfolder image FY2009-10
An Adobe Acrobat file FY10_Annual_BudgetDownload Preceding File Preview the file 11.33 MB 2013-06-06 13:09:40
explore subfolder image FY2010-11
An Adobe Acrobat file FY11_Annual_BudgetDownload Preceding File Preview the file 6.54 MB 2013-06-06 13:08:10
explore subfolder image FY2011-12
An Adobe Acrobat file FY12_Budget_DocumentDownload Preceding File Preview the file 8.1 MB 2013-06-06 13:06:16
explore subfolder image FY2012-13
An Adobe Acrobat file Final_BUDGET_FY13Download Preceding File Preview the file 12.05 MB 2013-06-05 15:24:54
explore subfolder image FY2013-14
An Adobe Acrobat file FY2014_budget_AdoptedDownload Preceding File Preview the file 8.02 MB 2013-09-24 14:33:43
explore subfolder image FY2014-15
An Adobe Acrobat file FY2015_KPB_BudgetDownload Preceding File Preview the file 9.44 MB 2014-11-20 15:26:08
explore subfolder image FY2015-16
An Adobe Acrobat file FY16_Assembly_Adopted_budgetDownload Preceding File Preview the file 8.75 MB 2015-06-30 16:00:06
explore subfolder image FY2016-17
An Adobe Acrobat file FY2017_KPB_Assembly_adopted_budgetDownload Preceding File Preview the file 8.61 MB 2016-07-11 14:43:51
explore subfolder image FY2017-18
An Adobe Acrobat file FY18_Assembly_Adopted_BudgetDownload Preceding File Preview the file 9.04 MB 2017-06-29 14:53:10
explore subfolder image FY2018-19
An Adobe Acrobat file FY19_Assembly_Adopted_budgetDownload Preceding File Preview the file 8.9 MB 2018-07-19 09:59:45
explore subfolder image FY2019-20
An Adobe Acrobat file FY20_Assembly_Adopted_budgetDownload Preceding File Preview the file 9.5 MB 2019-07-15 15:20:05
explore subfolder image FY2020-21
An Adobe Acrobat file FY21_Assembly_Adopted_budgetDownload Preceding File Preview the file 8.95 MB 2020-07-13 09:32:00
explore subfolder image FY2021-22
An Adobe Acrobat file FY22_Assembly_Adopted_budget_WEB063021Download Preceding File Preview the file 9.75 MB 2021-06-30 13:44:20
explore subfolder image FY2022-23
An Adobe Acrobat file FY23_Assembly_Adopted_Budget_WebDownload Preceding File Preview the file 12.47 MB 2022-09-01 13:51:44
explore subfolder image FY2023-24
An Adobe Acrobat file FY24_Assembly_Adopted_BudgetDownload Preceding File Preview the file 9.09 MB 2023-09-01 08:38:59
explore subfolder image FY2024-25
An Adobe Acrobat file ASSEMBLY_ADOPTED_FY25_BUDGET_-_FOR_WEBDownload Preceding File Preview the file 12.48 MB 2024-07-03 16:02:15
An Adobe Acrobat file Mayor_Proposed_FY2025_Budget_PresentationDownload Preceding File Preview the file 1.34 MB 2024-05-08 13:12:50
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explore subfolder image Financial_Statements
explore subfolder image FY2003
An Adobe Acrobat file 2003_CAFR_WebDownload Preceding File Preview the file 6.8 MB 2019-05-02 11:53:58
explore subfolder image FY2004
An Adobe Acrobat file GW_activitiesDownload Preceding File Preview the file 11.19 KB 2013-06-06 13:49:02
An Adobe Acrobat file GW_net_assetsDownload Preceding File Preview the file 10.73 KB 2013-06-06 13:49:02
An Adobe Acrobat file Gov_funds_BSDownload Preceding File Preview the file 10.26 KB 2013-06-06 13:49:01
An Adobe Acrobat file Gov_funds_activitiesDownload Preceding File Preview the file 8.23 KB 2013-06-06 13:49:01
An Adobe Acrobat file Gov_funds_activities_bud_actualDownload Preceding File Preview the file 10.89 KB 2013-06-06 13:49:01
An Adobe Acrobat file prop_funds_activitiesDownload Preceding File Preview the file 10.3 KB 2013-06-06 13:49:02
An Adobe Acrobat file prop_funds_cash_flowDownload Preceding File Preview the file 12.52 KB 2013-06-06 13:49:03
An Adobe Acrobat file prop_funds_net_assetsDownload Preceding File Preview the file 12.7 KB 2013-06-06 13:49:03
explore subfolder image FY2005
An Adobe Acrobat file Financial_SectionDownload Preceding File Preview the file 1.59 MB 2013-06-06 13:48:29
An Adobe Acrobat file INTRODUCTORY_SECTIONDownload Preceding File Preview the file 3.09 MB 2013-06-06 13:48:29
An Adobe Acrobat file Single_Audit_SectionDownload Preceding File Preview the file 46.91 KB 2013-06-06 13:48:30
An Adobe Acrobat file Statstical_SectionDownload Preceding File Preview the file 188.82 KB 2013-06-06 13:48:30
explore subfolder image FY2006
An Adobe Acrobat file FY06_CAFRDownload Preceding File Preview the file 2.84 MB 2013-06-06 13:47:41
explore subfolder image FY2007
An Adobe Acrobat file FY07_CAFRDownload Preceding File Preview the file 3.19 MB 2013-06-06 13:47:10
explore subfolder image FY2008
An Adobe Acrobat file FY08_CAFRDownload Preceding File Preview the file 31 MB 2013-06-06 13:46:37
explore subfolder image FY2009
An Adobe Acrobat file FY09_CAFRDownload Preceding File Preview the file 1.17 MB 2013-06-06 13:45:40
explore subfolder image FY2010
An Adobe Acrobat file FY10_CAFRDownload Preceding File Preview the file 3.84 MB 2013-06-06 13:44:49
explore subfolder image FY2011
An Adobe Acrobat file CAFR_2011Download Preceding File Preview the file 1.49 MB 2013-06-05 15:18:25
explore subfolder image FY2012
An Adobe Acrobat file CAFR_2012Download Preceding File Preview the file 3.19 MB 2013-06-05 15:16:24
explore subfolder image FY2013
An Adobe Acrobat file CAFR_no_dividersDownload Preceding File Preview the file 1.97 MB 2013-12-06 16:15:22
explore subfolder image FY2014
An Adobe Acrobat file FINAL_WEBDownload Preceding File Preview the file 1.65 MB 2014-11-14 16:36:39
explore subfolder image FY2015
An Adobe Acrobat file FINAL_KPB15_WebDownload Preceding File Preview the file 4.79 MB 2015-12-17 16:57:35
explore subfolder image FY2016
An Adobe Acrobat file KPBFINAL_WEBFY16Download Preceding File Preview the file 3.07 MB 2017-01-19 12:03:59
explore subfolder image FY2017
An Adobe Acrobat file KPBFY17FINAL_WDIVIDERSDownload Preceding File Preview the file 3.37 MB 2018-01-05 17:44:12
explore subfolder image FY2018
An Adobe Acrobat file KPB_FY18_FINALCAFR_full_for_webDownload Preceding File Preview the file 2.35 MB 2019-01-15 11:10:10
explore subfolder image FY2019
An Adobe Acrobat file KPB_FINAL_063019CAFR_eVersionDownload Preceding File Preview the file 2.81 MB 2019-12-04 17:17:35
explore subfolder image FY2020
An Adobe Acrobat file KPB_FINAL_01122021_w_Tabs_and_coverDownload Preceding File Preview the file 2.48 MB 2021-01-20 11:25:17
explore subfolder image FY2021
An Adobe Acrobat file Final_for_printing_for_the_webDownload Preceding File Preview the file 2.38 MB 2021-12-14 15:23:23
explore subfolder image FY2022
An Adobe Acrobat file FY22_FINAL_ACFR_WEBDownload Preceding File Preview the file 1.86 MB 2023-02-01 09:44:52
explore subfolder image FY2023
An Adobe Acrobat file FY23_FINAL_ACFR_WebDownload Preceding File Preview the file 1.62 MB 2023-12-26 10:54:57
No files to list icon There are no files to list.
No files to list icon There are no files to list.

Kenai Peninsula Borough Finance Department COVID-19 Interim Payment and Filing Options

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Phone: 907-714-2170


The Kenai Peninsula Borough provides payment and filing options: please CLICK HERE


The Finance Department manages the Borough's revenues, expenditures, investments, accounting, budgeting, and debt. As such, the department provides the Borough's departments and residents with dependable and efficient quality services in billing and collection of Borough wide taxes, cash management and other fiscal functions in accordance with legal and professional standards

FY25 Assembly Adopted Budget


The Finance Department annually produces a budget that meets the Government Finance Officers criteria for a Distinguished Budget Presentation Award. The budget acts as a policy document, financial plan, operations guide, and communications device for the Borough.

FY23 Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR)

FY23 Popular Annual Financial Report (PAFR)

The Borough annually produces a Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) that meets the Government Finance Officers criteria for a Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting. The Borough has received this award for each of the past 34 years.  The Borough also produced a Popular Annual Financial Report (PAFR) for the first time in fiscal year 2014.

Various Reports

The Finance Department also prepares reports to the State of Alaska on grant expenditures, expenditures paid for out of State reimbursable bond proceeds, and Federal grant expenditures. Other reports are compiled on an as-needed basis.

Mission Statement

The mission of the Finance Department is to provide fiduciary control of the Borough's assets, perform fiscally related services, and provide accurate, timely and useful financial information to support the delivery of municipal services to the Borough organization and the public. The Finance Division consists of Administration, Financial Services, Property Tax and Collections and Sales Tax.

Other Links


The Property Tax Division is pleased to offer property tax information as well as accept property tax payments 24-hours a day, 7 days a week. Limited information is available and only a single owner per parcel is obtainable for web search and display. For a complete listing of parcel owners, please call (907) 714-2230.

Any portion of a property tax may be paid at any time, however, to avoid late penalty and interest, total payment must be made in full by the due date. Postmarks are honored for on-time payments received through the mail. Once the taxes become delinquent, payment must be received in our office or online by the due date shown on the bill to avoid additional charges. Partial payment of tax will not invalidate any collection process.

As a convenience, online payment is available from this site. You can also pay by phone using our IVR (Interactive Voice Response) System by dialing 1-844-611-4024.  However, please note that a convenience fee does apply for credit card payments.

  • E-Check Transactions are free.
  • Credit Card transaction fees are 2.35% of the tax amount paid.

**** Attention: Customers ****

The Payment Card Industry (PCI) Council has set a deadline of June 30th 2018 to no longer have support for TLS1.0 (a non-secure SSL protocol). The action required will be for the Public Access users to update the version of their browser to a compatible version.

Please view this document which explains the changes to internet security requirements for internet browsers.