Material Site Work Group

The Kenai Peninsula Borough Material Site Work Group was established to analyze the current borough code governing material site permits and evaluate whether changes should be recommended to better serve all residents of the Kenai Peninsula. Additionally, this group will examine the current material site permit process and consider whether changes should be made. Findings from this analysis are anticipated to result in process change recommendations. 


Material Site Work Group ImageCommittee Members: Norm Blakeley, Tom Clark, Syverine Abrahamson-Bentz, Robin Davis, Brent Johnson, Wayne Ogle, Robert Ruffner, Larry Smith

Staff Support: Holly Montague, Deputy Borough Attorney, Max Best, Planning Director, Bruce Wall, Planner, Johni Blankenship, Borough Clerk, Randi Broyles, Borough Clerk Assistant

Submit your written comments HERE



KPB Material Site Information

DEC Best Management Practices

Buffer Maps 

Final Material Site Work Group Report
