Plans and Guidance for Emergency Mitigation and Operations
Within the Kenai Peninsula Borough



Kenai Peninsula Borough Emergency Operations Plan 

This plan is designed to provide general information about how the Kenai Peninsula Borough (KPB) will conduct and respond during times of disaster.


Emergency Operation Center Guide

The Emergency Operations Center (EOC) is a facility designated for managing the disaster emergency. This guide is intended to simplify the initial phases of the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) and Incident Management Team operations. It also details steps to set up an Emergency Operations Center if one is not already predesignated and equipped. In addition, this guide contains Incident Command System position descriptions and duties checklists, as well as copies of the Incident Command System Forms required by the Incident Management Team.


All Hazard Mitigation Plan

This Plan is designed to lessen or eliminate injuries or fatalities, damages and losses from natural and human-caused hazards. The KPB Plan focuses on several key hazards that are of concern to the Borough: earthquakes, floods/coastal erosion, wildfires, weather, volcanic activity/ash fallout, avalanches, tsunamis and seiches and human-caused hazards such as levee failure and accidental chemical releases. The KPB All Hazard Mitigation Plan is part of a statewide multi-jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan.


Community Wildfire Protection Plan

A Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP) helps a community develop, clarify and refine its priorities for protection of life and property and critical infrastructure in the wildland urban interface. The CWPP brings together diverse local interests with a large base of knowledge to discuss their mutual concerns for public safety, community sustainability and natural resources. A CWPP can be used by FireWise program working groups, individual homeowners, fire departments, fire management personnel in natural resource agencies, and others involved in wildfire planning and mitigation efforts. 


Interagency All Lands / All Hands Action Plan 

The interagency “All Lands / All Hands Action Plan” is a wildfire hazard mitigation plan intended to reduce community and individual vulnerability to wildfire hazards before they occur. This plan is a collaboratively developed, interagency multi-year plan designed to augment the implementation of mitigation tasks and project in alignment with the National Cohesive Wildland Fire Management Strategy. Participating landowners include local, state, federal, private and tribal entities.