Disasters will happen

Disasters have and will impact our communities in the Kenai Peninsula Borough. In order for our communities to better withstand and quickly recover from a disaster we all must be prepared to help ourselves and others until professional responders arrive. This website provides tips and templates for helping you get started with your disaster preparedness.

How do you start preparing your household for the next disaster? 

Start by addressing these 4 important questions:

1. How will I receive emergency alerts and warnings?

2. What is my shelter plan? 

3. How do I prepare my household to be self-sufficient for 7 days?

4. What is my family/household communication plan?


1. How will I receive emergency alerts and warnings?

Today we receive information through a lot of sources such as streaming online, social media, radio stations, local TV and satellite providers.  As technology changes so does the way we share information during an emergency.  If you do not have a land line, then you should sign up for KPB Alerts so that if your neighborhood is being evacuated you will receive that notification.

  • KPB Alerts - Sign up for KPB Alerts at Alerts.kpb.us   This is the KPB system to notify residents based on their home addresses.  For cell phones you must register your number and location to opt in to receive these notifications. All land lines will automatically receive these notifications.
  • Follow KPB Alerts on KPB Alerts Facebook Page and KPB Alerts Twitter
  • EAS – Emergency Alert System - this is the federal system that breaks into local tv and radio stations with emergency information.
  • Local radio stations
  • NOAA weather radio - this radio receives the signal put out to activate tsunami warnings and other weather warnings.  If you live in a tsunami area, we recommend having a NOAA weather radio.
  • WEA – Wireless Emergency Alerts - this is the federal system that sends notifications to your cell phones. This is the system that sends out the tsunami warnings.

For current emergency information visit the http://kpboem.blogspot.com/     This blog is your one stop shop for emergency information from many response agencies in the KPB.

Tsunami warnings are issued by NOAA and the National Weather Service to the Kenai Peninsula Borough.  These warnings are issued to all cell phones within the Kenai Peninsula Borough so even those that live outside of the tsunami inundation zone will receive those warnings. 


2. What is my shelter plan?

Always follow local authority's direction if told to evacuate! You can find up to date information on evacuations and shelter locations at the KPB OEM Blog

Choosing to take shelter is necessary in many emergencies and that decision must be made based on the circumstances of each threat.  Taking appropriate shelter is critical in times of disaster. Sheltering is appropriate when conditions require that you seek protection in your home, place of employment or other location when disaster strikes. Sheltering outside the hazard area could include staying with friends and relatives, seeking commercial lodging or staying in a mass care facility operated by disaster relief groups.

If you have to evacuate please be aware that disaster shelters cannot accept pets because of public health concerns. Service animals who assist people with disabilities are the only animals allowed in a shelters. Emotional support animals will not be allowed into the shelter. Develop a plan for your pets and livestock before a disaster happens so that you can quickly evacuate and keep you and your pets safe!

If you have to evacuate and it's safe to do so consider checking with neighbors that may need a ride or additional assistance leaving their homes.

Information for sheltering in place and evacuating:
Ready.gov Sheltering
Shelter In Place Tips


3. How do I prepare my household to be self-sufficient for 7 days?

Following a disaster, there may be power outages that could last for several days or even weeks.  Follow this plan developed by the State of Alaska to build a 7-day emergency kit for your household over a period of 12 weeks so that you can spread out the cost of building your kit.

In Alaska, we recommend having supplies for your household to survive at least 7 days on your own, it would be better to have 14 day's worth of supplies.

There are many lists and ways to develop a preparedness kit. Some people create a stash with shelf stable food that can last up to 25 years while others find that keeping extra non-perishable food in their cupboards by using the first in first out method to avoid food going bad. Replace expired items and review your needs every year and update your kit as your family's needs change.   

Here are a few links with guidance on creating and maintaining your emergency kit.

Ready.Gov Build-A Kit

Red Cross Survival Kit Supplies

Weather.Gov kit and maintaining your kit

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention - Emergency Supplies for Earthquake Preparedness

Emergency supplies for your pets and livestock


4. What is my family/household communication plan? 

When a disaster strikes we need to be able to connect with our loved ones. It is important to limit the use of phone lines during a disaster response to enable emergency responders to coordinate response actions. Text is best!

If phones do not work how will you reconnect with your household members?  
Will I be able to reach them?
How will I know they are safe?
How can I let them know I’m OK?

  • Make a plan for each family member to contact the same friend or relative to coordinante plans during an emergency.
  • Develop a phone tree with two in-state contacts and one out-of-state contact. 
  • Develop a plan for how you will contact each other and what you will do in different situations such as when the kids are at school and parents are at work.

You can use this household communication plan template to make your plan.