How and what to expect when attending Assembly meetings either in-person or remotely:

 Assembly Meeting Calendar

Stay Connected with the KPB Assembly

Participation in Assembly meetings may be in person, telephonically, or virtually. Following is information on how to stay connected at this time.

How to Listen to Assembly Meetings

All Assembly Meetings, Committee Meetings and Work Session are live streamed at: Meetings are also available on demand at the same site.

How to Provide Testimony

Written Testimony: Written Testimony is encouraged.

1. You may submit written comments online through the eComment portal located

2. You may submit your comments by sending an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Please indicate in the subject line which agenda item you are providing written comment. 

Telephonic/virtual Testimony: To sign-up for in-person, telephonic, or virtual testimony call 714-2160 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. You will need to provide you name, agenda item(s) you wish to testify on. 

How to Participate

The Borough will be using Zoom for telephonic and virtual access. To participate in this form, you will need to use the following information:

Join Zoom Meeting by Computer, Mobile Device or Smart Phone

Meeting ID:  884 7373 9641

Passcode:  671108

  • If you would like to speak during public comment, use the "Raise Hand" feature.
  • When it is your turn to comment you will be called upon by the Assembly President.
  • Once you are recognized by the Assembly President please unmute your microphone and video. You will have three minutes for comments.

To attend the Zoom meeting by analog telephone:

  • Enter the Meeting ID: 884 7373 9641
    • If you would like to speak during public comments dial *9 to Raise your hand; and
    • *6 to unmute your phone when recognized by the Assembly President.

What to Expect When Testifying

Public Testimony will be heard first from citizens in the order in which they have signed up in advance, and then comments from all others. Please note: if you do not respond when called on we will move to the next person on the list.

When the Assembly President calls your name, you will be asked to state your name and community for the record; then your 3 minutes will begin.

COVID-19 Mitigation Protocol Expectations

Click here to view our COVID-19 In-Person Meeting Protocols.

The Assembly will be following the recommended DHSS and CDC guidelines to help mitigate the spread of the COVID-19 virus. 

Practice Good Hygiene: Wash your hands frequently, cover your coughs and sneezes, and don't touch your face.

Stay Home if you are Sick: If you have been exposed, have any symptoms or are sick, the Borough asks that you do not attend a meeting in-person.

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Title II Information 

Kenai Peninsula Borough Notice under the Americans with Disabilities Act

ADA Grievance Form (fillable pdf)

ADA Grievance Form (online submission form)

ADA Grievance Procedures

Helpful Resource Links:

Independent Living Center

Northwest ADA Center

Contact Information

Michele Turner, CMC
Borough Clerk
ADA Coordinator
144 N. Binkley Street
Soldotna, Alaska 99669
(907) 714-2160
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Once the current agenda is finalized, generally 1 week before the meeting, the public is welcome to comment on agenda items.  eComments will be included in the public record, along with public comments presented in person at the meeting.

Click Here for current agenda details

eComment Screen Shot

The Board of Equalization (BOE) hears appeals from taxpayers on assessed valuation of real and personal property. KPB 5.12

To see Kenai Peninsula Borough’s legislative priorities beyond 2017, please visit the assembly’s legislation page:


Kenai Peninsula Borough Calendar