KPB Archive Posts and Comments Privacy Statement
KPB Archive Posts and Comments Privacy Statement
The Kenai Peninsula Borough (KPB) Archive Posts and Comments Facebook App captures and archives content related to the Kenai Peninsula Borough’s presence on Facebook. The purpose of this capture is to ensure the KPB can meet the requirements set out in the Alaska Public Records Act (AS 40.25). To comply with these requirements, KPB archives the minimum detail possible while still meeting our obligations.
The Archive Posts and Comments app captures all manners of published content and comments attached to published content. This includes posts, messages, comments, conversations and photos. Fields related to these elements include name, subject, time of creation and update, description and attachments.
The actual elements and fields being utilized by the KPB Archive Posts and Comments app are:
conversations: 'id,name,subject,updated_time,participants'
messages: 'attachments,id,created_time,from,message,sticker,tags,to'
comments: 'attachment,id,created_time,from,message,updated_time'
posts: 'created_time,description,from,id,is_hidden,is_published,message,story,updated_time,full_picture,type,source'
photos: 'created_time,description,from,id,is_hidden,is_published,message,story,updated_time,full_picture,type,source'
In the event that KPB needs to collect additional fields to comply with Alaska Public Records Act, we will update this privacy statement to indicate which content is being archived.
What We Do
The borough’s legal department encounters a tremendous range of public law issues.
In our role as advisors, the legal staff draft and review ordinances, resolutions, bidding documents, contracts, and provide legal opinions for the borough and school district. The legal department advises the assembly on legal issues and represents the borough and school district in litigation at all court levels and in administrative hearings, and provides other related services.
Reducing borough and school district liability is a primary focus of the legal department’s effort. By reviewing proposed actions to determine compliance with local, state, and federal law, the legal department aims to guard against lawsuits naming the school district or the borough as parties. Due to the demands of certain court cases, outside counsel is sometimes retained to represent the borough.
The legal department also advises the borough government and school district on citizens’ due process and other rights to ensure they are protected. Due process questions can arise when the assembly considers legislation regulating land uses, for example, or the school board considers policy changes affecting students’ rights to a public education.
The legal department is also charged with collecting delinquent taxes and fees in matters referred by the finance department. If less formal methods are not promptly successful it pursues collection in court. It also files the annual real property tax and assessment foreclosure cases for the borough.
The legal department cannot provide legal advice or representation to the public.
About Us
The Kenai Peninsula Borough is a Second Class Borough. The Borough operates within the framework established by applicable Alaska state law. Additionally, the Borough's powers and operations are determined by the Borough's Code of Ordinances. The borough attorney’s powers and duties are specified in AS 29.20.370 and KPB 2.32.020. Since incorporation in 1964, eight individuals have served as the Borough Attorney.
The Borough Attorney is the legal advisor for the Borough. The Borough’s legal department provides legal advice, representation, and assistance to the Borough Administration, Assembly, Departments, Service Areas, and School District.
The legal department cannot provide legal advice or assistance to the general public. If you need an attorney, please contact a private attorney. The legal department also cannot recommend an attorney for hire. The Alaska Bar Association, online review websites, and/or other state and local bar associations may be able to assist you in locating an attorney.
Links to the Borough’s Code of Ordinances and various online legal resources are provided under the Legal Menu. Current and past ordinances and resolutions can be found on the Assembly / Clerk Department page.
Legal Links
Borough Code of Ordinances
AG’s Office
AK Statutes / Alaska Legislature’s Page
Alaska Court’s Website
Alaska Court’s Self-help page
UAA’s Creating Alaska Page
Alaska’s Constitution link
Kenai Peninsula Borough Calendar
Hot Topics
- Safe Streets Safety Action Plan
- Your Better KPB Survey Results
- FY25 Assembly Adopted Budget
- KPB Launches Text-to-911
- KPB Joint Information
- KPB Fee Schedule
- Tax Compliance Information
- North Road Extension Advisory Task Force
- Career Opportunities
- Absentee Ballot Application
- Material Site Assembly Subcommittee
- KPB Land Sale
- Foreclosure Publication